Posted in DPChallenge

Micro – DP Challenge

On Daily Prompt : Micro

P.C Internet: GurBani Judge

I love BANI, and her attitude to stand up to wrong doings. The above written piece is completely what she has gone through, and that too in this so called ’21st Century’.


Do check other entries for the DPChallenge too, following are some I checked



Posted in My Words

Her Life -.-


PC : @shainadaina
When midnight stucks, we find our vulnerable self sulking at same old stuff.
The people who left us, or may be forgot about us.
Our stupid mind, keep strumming those chords, of OLD TIMES.
and our eyes knows all our pain.
Heart, it can’t be seen by everyone. But eyes, ahh !!! By night crying, in morning all ready with mascara to Shine On !!
It was my birthday day before yesterday, and I still feel so SAD.
That one of my closest friend didn’t remember it !!!!!!
Its frustating, yaa he got married n got busy ??
Or may be the date just slipped by his mind ??
From others it doesn’t matter sometimes, but when people close too doesnt even remember, then we tend to ignore our birthday ourself too !!
And thats what I did ๐Ÿ™‚ It was just an ORDINARY DAY, like other 364 days ๐Ÿ™‚