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A New Dawn

DSC_1374 - Copy.JPG
Book : A New Dawn

Author : Kamini Kusum
Pages : 128
Price : 245/-
Publication : Half Baked Beans Publishing

Will remind you of 80’s era movies.


A New Dawn is struggle story of Shravan, son of a rickshaw puller to become something worth for coming up to Mugdha’s father asking for Mugdha’s hand.
Simple enough ?
But no it is not, the story takes a roller coaster ride of their emotions, family status, and pulling them apart from each other for long to give book a good
content for a spicy story.

Will their love story be a success one ?
What’s the military background in Cover tells ? Who is it for ?
For all these you need to read the novel.


The story is what reminded me of movies that were made in late 80’s. A poor fellow loving a rich girl, making ends meet to prove her love and finally getting
unite. And it’s surely a hats off to the Authoress Kamini for taking such common plot, and writing on it.

The writing is what interested me in the book. Authoress has made sure that all the flavors are binded well in one single story. Emotions are expressed raw,
and there are many social issues like Family status “Matters” a lot while Loving one another, “Studies” are the only source for Income/ and good status.
I like it when there are subtle hints of such issues in a Novel. This gives a background of how flawed our characters are like people in real life.

Things I couldn’t ignore in the novel was, grammatical mistakes. There were a time, when same word was spelled three different ways on a page 😐 (yaa I am weird, I notice things)

The book name could have been something else may be, wasn’t happy with the tittle after reading book.

The end made my heart-break 😐 . Why it has to be like this ? *no spoiler* but why NO happy end ?

Things that worked out for me :

> Liked the cover is different and definitely strikes well with the story.
> Subtle hints of social issues that surely play in mind when read and remind us we should do something about it.

Things that didn’t worked for me :

> Story was predictable (except the end 😐 )
> Grammatical & spelling mistakes

Final Note :

If you are missing that 80’s era and want to revisit it via a written novel but still want a different end. Well go for it.

Cover: 3/5
Title: 2.5/5
Blurb: 2.5/5
Theme: 2/5
Story: 2/5
Characters: 3.5/5
Overall: 2.6/5

*Thanks to Half Baked Beans for providing review copy in return of an honest review.*

**Read this book as part of #3daysreadathon on Instagram**


Posted in bookreview

The Girl Who Changed My Life


Book : The Girl Who Changed My Life
Author : Pawan Aditya
Pages : 178
Price : 185/-
Publication : Educreation Publishing

A young generation kind of Love story(ies).


This is story of a boy named Aditya. The story starts from him being kid at college to a gentleman going to Office. And in between this journey he “kinda”
falls in love with not 1, not 2…. but 4 girls.

There is a college crush, and how Aditya’s feeling are crushed in between.
There is a tuition crush, and how he falls trap in the orthodox family and their believes.
There is a “childhood” Bro-Sister crush/love, & how the EX returns.
Last but not the least, the office crush, more mature but also more issues.

You got to read the book to know which one of these GIRL is talked about in the tittle.


Writing is simple, and no complex roundbouts are talked about. The writing made me think of different Indian Author’s who write love stories.

It’s just a love story, but somehow covers some of very typical issues. And I kinda felt the author has shown girls in bad light A LOT. And such a story will
be liked by teenagers who love having love stories in their life, who do that “Alle Babu, Shona” all that.

I liked how author moved the story from different phases, and showed us some social good cause happening. And didn’t compromise on the social cause just to
get along with the Love Story happening at that particular time.

Having His Holiness Dalai Lama in the story really worked me up. Dalai Lama is one people who I look up on and only his mention was enough to sooth me. ❤

Things that worked out for me :

> I liked BookCover color, Blue-Black ❤
> Loved how the author has shown Mother’s nature. We all will agree, our mothers knows exactly when something GOOD happens to us before even saying.
> Quiet liked how author merged social cause like KEEPING CITY CLEAN and stood by that accompanying story brilliantly.

Things that didn’t worked for me :

> The girls(friends) weren’t shown in good light. The feminist in me didn’t like it.
> There were scene’s/dialogue which I felt weren’t necessary and was just done to downgrade girls/women.
> How can someone FALL IN LOVE with ANY GIRL HE MEETS ? I can’t understand this.

Final Note :

If you are looking for a young teen love-love-love-love story, go for it.

Cover: 3/5
Title: 2.5/5
Blurb: 2.5/5
Theme: 2.5/5
Story: 2/5
Characters: 2/5
Overall: 2.4/5

*Thanks to Author for providing review copy in return of an honest review.*
Posted in Author Interview

Author Interview – Biju Anthony


People who follow me, know that I Loved Shadows Lie by Biju Anthony. And I surely recommend it to everyone. In spotlight today is author Biju Anthony himself, talking to us of how the Shadows Lie came into existence and about himself as a writer.

Do check the review here Shadows Lie

Thanks to author for being part of the blog by agreeing to get interviewed.

About Author


Biju Anthony is a banker turned film producer based in the Middle East. He cofounded one of the first Equity Crowdfunded film production company in India – FineCut Entertainments. Currently on sabbatical from corporate life, he spends time writing, travelling and managing film projects. Currently Biju lives in Dubai


Q. A Banker turned into a writer that too a thriller novel, now that’s interesting. Tell us something about it?

Life cannot be planned just like the stories we write. My stories have no ending when I begin to write. It’s an organic process. Likewise it just so happened that one day in 2010 I decided to write a longer version of a short story I had written in 2001. I was based in Kuwait then and wrote a few chapters and left it. Later, I quit banking and got into film production. That’s when I completed the book. The story is set in a quaint village in Kerala where I grew up and is loosely based on an incident that happened in my family. It was interesting and a challenge to fit in a thriller genre in a story that unfolds in an island home inhabited by ordinary people.

Q. What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?

When I started, the biggest challenge was to write; to keep writing every day. It is a discipline you acquire over time. Now I am into my third book and writing whenever I want to; it is not a challenge anymore.

Q. Ever had Writer’s block? How do you deal with writer’s block?

I have not faced any so-called ‘blocks’ till now. Shadows Lie was a lot personal to me. It was about the places and people I kind of knew. So the writing process was without any real interruptions. My second work, which is completed now is a fictionalized account of a character’s life from Mahabharata. Even that was completed as per plan. May be when you keep writing, there might be a point when you struggle not to be repetitive in style and also to keep your story telling techniques relevant.

Q. Shadows Lie give a beautiful description of Plackal Bungalow with water coast and other unique things. How such location did came into your mind for this novel?

The house and the island that plays a crucial character in the story is actually real. The island was owned by my great grand father and the house had its walls polished with hundred’s of egg whites, as told in the story. It’s a beautiful island surrounded by green waters. The world of Bhadra was my creation though and it was a conscious attempt to create a realm that was so different from that of the island.

Q. Do you Read? Who are your favorite author, or books?

I am a slow reader and take a lot of time to finish a book. I keep buying a lot of books but read very few. My all time favourite writer is Gabriel Marques. I also admire Arundhathi Roy a lot.

Q. Do you prefer old ways for handwriting your stories or new generation writing on laptop?

I type them away on my laptop. I find it quite practical when it comes to editing and redrafting. It’s nothing to do with old way or new way – it’s convenient.

Q. A birdie told me that novel is in talks to be made into a movie, if you had the choice to pick, whom would you pick to play the role of Edward, Bhadra & Ely?

It’s still in the planning stages and too early to talk about casting. A lot of factors come into play when you consider casting – availability, suitability and budgets. It’s a murder mystery set in the 1950s. The cast should fit in the period too. Hope to do justice to the story and get an ensemble cast too.

Q. How did you come up with the title of your book? (I kind off know this as I have read book, but for my followers)

Shadows Lie was the working title when I began writing and I had plans to find another name. But then I couldn’t come up with a better name and so decided to keep it. The title “Shadows Lie” encapsulates the essence of the story and narrative style. There are too many lies, beautiful and mysterious lies that masks the past of the characters. And these lies like shadows follow the truth almost camouflaging it.

Q. Give some advantages/disadvantages of being an Indian writer? (in respect of writing, getting published, or getting large audience)

The market for English writing in India is big now. We have a large market for English books but of course not as big as that for books published in UK or US. There are no disadvantages being an Indian writer in English. It’s an opportunity to connect with a larger audience within India.

Q. If you got to rewrite one specific thing in your novel, what would that be?

I would perhaps write more about Bhadra. I feel Bhadra didn’t get enough chapter space. Or may be it’s a good thing. Her mystery lingers on, because of that – I would never know.

Q. What does your writing space look like? (A photo, if possible)

I have a writing-table. But I hardly write there. In fact I don’t have a specific writing place. I like busy places like café’s or malls. I can’t be alone while writing. Even if am in the company of strangers, it helps.

Q. Working on something currently? If yes, will it thriller too?

My second work is a fictionalized account of a female character’s life from Mahabharata. It’s a mixture of genres – mythology, erotica and thriller.

Impressed yet ?

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Posted in bookreview

Shadows Lie


Book : Shadows Lie
Author : Biju Anthony
Pages : 274
Price : 269/-
Publication : Leadstart Corp Ltd.

Mystery, Murders, Conspiracies, Politics, Love, Lust, Passion – Novel has it ALL


Few lines of Prologue and you already want to know why Isabella got poisoned milk. Who gave it to her ?
Prologue is beautifully made, to keep reader at the edge for the story that is to be unraveled in these remaining 270 pages.

I can’t write story without giving away *spoilers*

The story revolves around (mostly) in Kollam, within people living in Plackal Bungalow. 3 Murders, conspiracies and Politics of Indo-Norwegian project, Extra martial Love, Lust that can have ill effect, a place called Nambiar Illam considered as bad omen and a Mystery to solve by Crime Inspector Madhav.

Not only the novel, but the epilogue too unravels some mystery. DON’T READ IT, until you are OK to SPOIL THE STORY.



Biju has successfully delivered something deep and more than a novel in these pages. The writing is intriguing at many points. Characters are given absolute space to grow and come live in your senses when you read about them.
The people we take easy and don’t think about have been used well in the story for example maids, Ely and Mariakutti play very special role in the novel.
The story is written in past-present time gaps,and jumps at quiet often. But the transition of time is taken well care off. 28 chapters are named perfectly describing what the chapter will have (off course we wouldn’t connect until we read the chapter). I love finding editing mistakes :P, and in Shadows lie there is a Chapter whose heading doesn’t match with the page heading of consecutive pages.

Prologue and Epilogue have an amazing effect once the reader is through with the novel.

Story is set in Kollam, and author has taken the best advantage of using places and food revolving around that place.
Details of certain events, or a place like Nambiar Illam surely paints a rough picture in mind where the whole thing is happening.

There are some ‘lust’ depicting scenes (which I personally don’t like reading), but author has made sure the scenes is just a paragraph long and it surely has a big effect on some or other characters from the novel.
Believe me NOTHING IS WRITTEN JUST FOR THE SAKE OF WRITING. Pay very carefully attention towards what’s happening. and may be , just may be you might find out something cool/thriller sooner than the End. STILL do read the Epilogue !! It was surely a WHATTT ?? Reaction 😀

ONLY thing that didn’t worked out with me in starting was, TO MANY NAMES to remember :-/
I don’t like when so many characters are introduced in just 2 pages. I literally had to mark the Names & who they are/related to with pencil in book. But as soon as I reached second chapter I knew, I already remember who who was.

The COVER is absolutely GOREGOUS !! It’s like Abstract Art, which you can’t pin point on what is working but there is something that works for your eyes. The Cover also gives a “spoiler”, because I was just second person to read it on Bookstagram I couldn’t decode it. May be you have already read by now. But please don’t give it more thought, because it’s gonna spoil the reading….

Final Note :

If like me you think not much good about Indian Authors writing thriller/mystery, Read this to CHANGE your thinking.
If you wanna see a movie actually animating in your mind, as the pages turn. Read this.
If you have a false believe that Too many characters can spoil the story, Read this to change it.

Cover: 5/5
Title: 5/5
Blurb: 4.5/5
Theme: 5/5
Story: 5/5
Characters: 4.5/5
Overall: 4.8/5

If you are interested what you read above and willing to read review the book. Make sure you fill in the details in Google Form

Also make sure, you are following the blog. Because soon enough Author Biju Anthony himself will be interviewed here 🙂

 Do check Author Interview HERE
Posted in bookreview

Legends Over Generations


Book : Legends over Generations
Author : Ashraf Haggag
Pages : 228
Price : 349/-
Publication : Blue Rose Publishers

Legends over Generations is a set of collective biographies of Legends we had from past to present times. Author talks about Legends according to the their self established fields. And these are divided in 4 parts :

> Human Rights
> Science
> Politics Over History
> Art & Literature

The chapters are evenly distributed, and properly aligned as giving first quiet a description of the field. Followed by life of some legends in that field, which includes their Early life & education , giving brief about what all they achieved in the field followed by their Legacy they left for us to follow.
I appreciate the author for keeping it well structured & not loading with extra information. As legends can have a lot to provide with them. Legend’s chapter started with their signature (well we can consider this book as signed book by Legends (**) ), and ended with great quotes by these great people.

However, this book reminded me more of my history lessons where we used to read about great people, learn about their life.

I loved most to read about Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Alexandar Graham Bell, Charles Dicken, Ernest Hemingway, William Shakespeare.
Also I would have loved to see more of Female Legends, who has done so much in the fields as differentiated by Author.

Also Conclusion;Key Features, gives us variety of traits for these Legends that we can apply in our daily life.


Nobody can hurt me without my permission

– Mahatma Gandhi

Let us pick up our books and our pens, they are the most powerful weapons.

– Malala Yousafzai

Little science takes you away from God, but more of it takes you to Him.

– Louis Pasteur

Flee the country where a lone man holds all power: It is a nation of slaves.

– Simon Bolivar

When words fail, Music speaks.

– William Shakespeare

Final Note :

If you haven’t read any non-fiction, and want to try your hand on first ever non-fiction. I will surely recommend this, as this is light and informative. Gives you boost about people and motivate you too at the same time.

Cover: 3.5/5
Title: 3.5/5
Blurb: 3/5
Theme: 3/5
Story: 3.5/5
Overall: 3.3/5★

**Thank you publishers for providing the review copy, in return of an honest review.**


Posted in bookreview

A Trunk Full of Sunshine


Book : A Trunk Full of Sunshine
Author : Sapna Dhyani Devrani
Pages : 137
Price : 150/-
Publication : Frog Books (imprint of LeadstartPublishing)

The book is a memoir for life of military wife, which she has gone through for 13 years. 27 short reflections of how a family is affected by one person’s job.
The book is an easy read, and can be relatable in some manner. We all have the trunks we keep in for memory purposes, I remember having a separate carton for things that I did never unpacked. It was always used to pack things when I moved from one pg to another pg. That secret carton had many little memories of the room I was leaving and moving ahead. In same case Authoress Sapna, has opened a trunk of memories with us to share the emotions, situations she has gone through all this time.

The language used was easy to understand and narration was first person. Authoress husband being an Infantry officer when she met him, and how she has been moved to places, met new people, adapted to the life of being a military life was shown very nicely.

The stories are very short, sometimes a page, or sometimes 4 pages. To be honest, when it started I didn’t like the flow. Narration was supposed to be witty, but I couldn’t find my funny bone to laugh on it. As the middle part came, where author covered some emotional phases of her life was the best of all. Ending stories were again okaish kind, the composure of middle part reading where reader were kept in a grip was taken off the hook.

The book lasted few hours, but it surely has my eye to it. Because somewhere in the middle I had fallen for the grief and pain a military wife go through when the men are out guarding us(mango people).

Final Note :

Pick this one, if you are good to go for a story that last just a page or 3 pages. If you have any army/military background I guess this will be relatable to you.

(I wish to give it more, but it was an oka-ish read)
Overall: 2.5/5★

**Thank you publishers for providing the review copy, in return of an honest review.**