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The Golden Record


Book : The Golden Record
Author : Naimesha Thakur
Pages : 253
Price : 249/-
Publication : LeadstartCorp

Travel to the fantasy world of writers.


The story is about three generations of women, who likely or unlikely became a published writer. Their words made changes to the world, how it worked.
The protagonist, Mira Dev has just successfully launched her book and is on a tour with her best friend & best friend’s husband. The bracelet on her hand had four trinkets each for her personal accomplishment. And today fifth one will add to it, but she is on tour. Will she be able to add the trinket like she always does on the next day of her book launch?

Her grandmother Tina died a few years ago, and Mira’s mother Antara find similarities between her mother and her daughter. Will that mean anything in the story ?

What if there is an Island of writers, writers who can affect lives of people, but they can also make mistakes. Can mistake in a person’s like be rectified ? What is the role of Mira in all this?

To answer above questions, you need to read the book.
<writing spoiler free review for The Golden Record will be so difficult>


First book by Naimesha Thakur, and I am already a fan of the plot she used, the world she created, the characters she introduced.
The language is easy to read and understand. But the Island and the writer’s world can be a bit difficult to understand. There is SO MUCH information and yet I felt there should be some more about it.

I always imagined the Island of Writers, a blue meadow place.<hence the image>.

The characters are many, and they are given their share of place and plot to fill in their characteristics page by page. The character’s aren’t shady and are as we read them, one directional. There are a variety of characters, there are Periwinkle, Penchantress, CaRule and so many more.
<saying again, it’s so difficult to writer about this and make it a spoiler free.Umm!!>

Loved the idea of adding trinkets on special achievements (will surely think of something like this to do in real life).
Naimesha, has given an amazing description of how the “PROCESS” works. Still, I was confused, because there was lots of information thrown at me at a single time. I wish this was done in due time, given bits of information while the story proceeds.
The “Black Mistake” , I am curious to know what was it about ? I mean, <umm leave it. #spoilerFree remember>

Final Note:

Amazing book to build up a fantasy world around you, and you living in it. Totally recommend and these doesn’t have usual fantasy world of dragon’s and other creatures. Something new.

Cover: 3.5/5
Title: 3/5
Blurb: 3.5/5
(blurb gives some of the things out)
Theme: 4/5
Story: 3.5/5
Characters: 3.5/5
Overall: 3.5/5

*This book review was provided by publishers in return of an honest review. The views are my own*