Posted in blog tour, bookreview

Girls Like Us


Girls Like Us

by Elizabeth Hazen
Publisher: Alan Squire Press
Release Date:  March 2020

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Girls Like Us is packed with fierce, eloquent, and deeply intelligent poetry focused on female identity and the contradictory personas women are expected to embody. The women in these poems sometimes fear and sometimes knowingly provoke the male gaze. At times, they try to reconcile themselves to the violence that such attentions may bring; at others, they actively defy it. Hazen’s insights into the conflict between desire and wholeness, between self and self-destruction, are harrowing and wise. The predicaments confronted in Girls Like Us are age-old and universal—but in our current era, Hazen’s work has a particular weight, power, and value.


I love reading poetry, and mostly I instantly feel them connected to me. But with Girls Like Us, it started slow I was confused at the beginning. But as I kept reading, & the poem’s came across as a rebel, and what WE (girls) go through most of our life. Called by names, Eyes those see us, Feeling we go through, Fears our mind has and Thoughts that keep us awake at nights.

I liked how different were each poem’s crafted, with different ideas portraying issues Girls/Women have. The book cover is exactly what the book talks about.

I like poems those rhyme, and this one has only one such poem. But still I quiet liked this whole book, and I would recommend whoever reads it, please read it like a “Spoken Poetry” because that way you will connect more to the poems and words. I realized this a bit later in 3-4th poem and after that, each poem spoke to me.

I would recommend these to everyone, who likes reading meaningful poetry that don’t naturally rhyme.

Moving Day

My mind’s
an emptied drawer, its clutter filed away.


He left no trace
but an edge of shadow, the picture’s only flaw.

Driving Home at Dawn

Even now,
my fingertips tingle,
your name like a host
on my tongue.


I lie until his
breath deepens and the ticking
clock becomes a heartbeat.


⭐ ⭐ ⭐  .5


Elizabeth Hazen is a poet, essayist, and teacher. A Maryland native, she came of age in a suburb of Washington, D.C. in the pre-internet, grunge-tinted 1990s, when women were riding the third wave of feminism and fighting the accompanying backlash. She began writing poems when she was in middle school, after a kind-hearted librarian handed her Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s A Coney Island of the Mind. She has been reading and writing poems ever since.

Hazen’s work explores issues of addiction, mental health, and sexual trauma, as well as the restorative power of love and forgiveness. Her poems have appeared in Best American Poetry, American Literary Review, Shenandoah, Southwest Review, The Threepenny Review, The Normal School, and other journals. Alan Squire Publishing released her first book, Chaos Theories, in 2016. Girls Like Us is her second collection. She lives in Baltimore with her family.


Follow Poetic Book Tours : Girls Like Us

Giveaway runs May 4 Through July 10 and you must be 18 or older and have a U.S. Mailing Address to qualify.
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*I received an advance readers eBook copy of Girls Like Us, as part of Poetic Blog Tour in return of an honest review. 
The views are my own. All quotes in this review are taken from the Advanced Reader Copy and may change in 
final publication.*
Posted in Insta Mini Review

Fierce Fairytales


Book : Fierce Fairytales
Author : Nikita Gill
Pages : 176
Type: Ebook

My Thoughts

The book is collection of poems which used fairytale characters and stories as background, which touches topic like abuse, heartbreak…. The book is only 176pages long, but it took me too long to complete it as I wasn’t feeling the vibe of book. The stories felt flat many-a-times, and there wasn’t much character development which is very necessary to get the feel of it.

The illustrations were lovely, which was break in between story or sometimes at the end of story. They showed the fairytale, in context of what author wrote.
I liked very few of them, which includes Red Ridding Hood, and Hatter.

I like modern poetry, and thought it would be more like what I have read on the author’s Instagram page. But alas, I couldn’t feel more than half of the book.

Overall: 2.5/5☆

*-*-*-*-*-*-*Book Challenges*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Read this book, as part of
>> Pop Sugar Challenge Prompt 12 : A book inspired by myth/legend/folklore
>> #bnbreadathon May – June : Prompt 3

Posted in Insta Mini Review

Sea Prayer


Book : Sea Prayer
Author : Khaled Hosseini
Pages : 48
Type: Ebook (Illustrated)

My Thoughts

I LOVE LOVE LOVE what author wrote, his writing is as lyrical as it can get.
Sea Prayer is the shortest book by author, with awww-stucking amazing illustrations, which gawked me from the e pages only. (Swipe left to see one of the illustrations 😻)
Story of how a father console’s his son Marwan that he will be okay, and everything will be okay once Marwan crosses the sea. The story is a prayer of a father to the sea, to carry his son to the other side, to the safe side.
After hearing too much about how short the book is and how overpriced it was, so I went for an e-read instead of physical one.
Though I miss seeing the physical copy of paintings, but I are more amazing then the version.
Even though I know the book is overpriced for what we get in respect of “no of pages”, the thought and Khaled’s words is what I gripped on.
The earning from the book is good for refugee organization ♥

Overall: 4/5

*-*-*-*-*-*-*Book Challenges*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Read this book, as part of
>> #bnbreadathon Feb-Mar : Prompt 3

Posted in bookreview

The Art of Racing in the Rain


Book : The Art of Racing in the Rain
Author : Garth Stein
Pages : 338


A dog you will fall in love with, a dog more human than human now-a-days.


The story is about a dog named Enzo, and his feelings of being happy, sad, jealous, protective and every a human can feel.
Enzo was adopted by Denny from a barn when he was still a pup only. Denny, the race driver talked to Enzo all about race and race cars, and how to drive in the race. They used to watch race video’s together and everything until, Denny fell in love with Eve.

Will there be difference in relationship between Enzo and Denny ?
What’s special about Racing in the rain?


This is my first Book, that is from a dog POV, and I loved it mostly due to the audio book I choose in between ebook reading. The audio book was by Christopher Evan Welch, and I loved how the speaker had done voice modulation for Enzo, Denny, Eve or even little Zoe.

Let’s start with what I loved, I loved that Enzo could feel as many human emotions as possible. He wasn’t able to tell them, but in a way he did use his barks for that.
Enzo’s love for Denny was unconditional, and his jealously came in parts when Denny found Eve

“We were both satellites orbiting Denny’s sun, struggling for gravitational supremacy”

Dog’s are amazing creature, most loved one, and one who can really be a best friend. But Enzo’s obsession of “being incarnated as a man”, did set me off sometimes. At time I wanted to hug Enzo and tell him, HUMAN’s aren’t worth you Enzo. They are just not. Be a dog instead, please….

I somehow loved Denny, he is a perfect gentleman, love his dog, loves his wife, manages time between family and his job. The only thing that I didn’t like in the character was how one dimensional he was shown like Even in the desperate needs of breaking, he doesn’t break and be positive.

The story looked like a checklist of lots of cliche’s, a good dog, someone having fatal disease, controlling in laws and more cliches. And it looked so predictable at those times.

There were times, when I felt the “racing” was put just in to defend the title. But that one scene of “faster, faster” was incredibly well written. (you need to read the book to know what I mean)

Words that touched

People and their rituals. They cling to things so hard sometimes.

I admire the female sex. The life makers. It must be amazing to have a body that can carry an entire creature inside.

She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear.

I wanted to judge the world around me, not merely be a supportive friend

The human language, as precise as it is with its thousands of words, can still be so wonderfully vague

Final Note :

If you love dogs, and want to love them MORE. Read it, better if you listen it because narration by Christopher really helped me in finishing this book with a human touch.

Cover: 4/5(new motion picture cover)
Title: 2.5/5
Blurb: 3/5
Theme: 5/5
Story: 4.5/5
Characters: 5/5 (only for Enzo)
Overall: 4/5

*-*-*-*-*-*-*Book Challenges*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Read this book, as part of
>> Pop Sugar Challenge Prompt 1 : A book becoming a movie in 2019
>> Underrated Reads Book Club : BOTM Jul-Aug
>> Write Tribe Reading Challenge Prompt 12 : A book with an animal in the title/cover

Posted in bookreview

Every Ugly Word

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Book : Every Ugly Word
Author : Aimee Salter
Pages : 322
ePrice : 291/- (and free on Kindle unlimited)

Trigger warning, the book deals with Bullying and some of the scenes can be very descriptive.


The story revolves around Ashley, a seventeen year old girl who gets bullied every single day at school and even has issues with her Mom. But there is someone, she can talk to, someone who really understands what Ashley is going thru. This is none other than someone called an “older-me” to Ashley’s Me.

Ashley doesn’t have lots of friends, it’s just Matt at the moment and she wants it to be more than friendship with her. Mat has a soft spot for Ash, but ‘as a friend’.

The story starts in with Ashley talking to a parapsychologist in a special facility about the events in her life, that turned and twisted and brought her to this chair.

What do you think, would have brought her here?
Will Mat & Ashley ever be more than friends?


First book by the author, and WHAT a writing.
It was so much descriptive at certain points, even for me (that hasn’t seen much of violent bullying in real life).
Loved the concept of the book, as we always talk about “What would you suggest to your younger self”. The book actually conceptualized the thing and did it wonderfully.

Though there will be points, you will be frustrated by certain characters, like Ashley’s mom. Isn’t Mom there to protect their children? But in this case, Ash’s mother was one of the bullies herself. I somehow couldn’t wrap my head around this, as I have always felt mother’s are the givers and care takers. But this one really messed my mind.
Then there is Mat, also known as the ONLY friend Ashley had. and yet he couldn’t see her friend was troubled ? A real friend is to care for you when you are messy. not increase the mess more. Forcing Ashley to go to places, where she knew her bullies will be. Not cool bro!

And then there is the main character, Ashley. Even though I felt sympathy for her at points, but I also thought her stupid for doing certain things. Just because your “loved ones” want you to do things, and you know the repercussions will be hard. You still do it. WHY!? 😐
I hated her at some part, and then there were some parts I could have hugged her and said ‘it’s gonna be all okay. it’s gonna be all okay’.

All in all I kinda more than liked the book. Author Aimee said, she had written this on her experience of being bullied in her school. And I can’t even imagine if she went through this much or less or a lot more.

The ending may put you on an edge of believing it happened in reality, or what is all a Magical realms kind.
I thought and gave myself a magical realms feeling end. That keeps the book still alive in me.

<Also make sure you read the Author Interview Kajree did on her blog. Link below
In conversation with Aimee L. Salter – author of Every Ugly Word >

Words that touched

People you love should always be more important than people who judge you.

I believe that human beings have a tendency to live up to expectations: what we expect of ourselves, what we believe others expect of us….
You make choices based on how you perceive others expect you to behave.You perhaps subconsciously- draw their attention to your flaws.

My gaps only became inevitable when I stopped believing they could be filled.

Final Note :

If you can want to break your heart, and stable it in the end. This one is for you. The book can be triggering for people who went through such experiences. So beware.

Cover: 5/5
Title: 4/5
Blurb: 4/5

Theme: 5/5
Story: 4.5/5
Characters: 3.5/5
Overall: 4.3/5

*-*-*-*-*-*-*Book Challenges*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Read this book, as part of
>> #popSugarChallenge Prompt 4 : A book you think should be turned into a movie
>> Underrated Reads Book Club : 2019 May Read
>> #readingwomenchallenge Prompt 2 : Woman w/a mental illness


Posted in bookreview

The Golden Record


Book : The Golden Record
Author : Naimesha Thakur
Pages : 253
Price : 249/-
Publication : LeadstartCorp

Travel to the fantasy world of writers.


The story is about three generations of women, who likely or unlikely became a published writer. Their words made changes to the world, how it worked.
The protagonist, Mira Dev has just successfully launched her book and is on a tour with her best friend & best friend’s husband. The bracelet on her hand had four trinkets each for her personal accomplishment. And today fifth one will add to it, but she is on tour. Will she be able to add the trinket like she always does on the next day of her book launch?

Her grandmother Tina died a few years ago, and Mira’s mother Antara find similarities between her mother and her daughter. Will that mean anything in the story ?

What if there is an Island of writers, writers who can affect lives of people, but they can also make mistakes. Can mistake in a person’s like be rectified ? What is the role of Mira in all this?

To answer above questions, you need to read the book.
<writing spoiler free review for The Golden Record will be so difficult>


First book by Naimesha Thakur, and I am already a fan of the plot she used, the world she created, the characters she introduced.
The language is easy to read and understand. But the Island and the writer’s world can be a bit difficult to understand. There is SO MUCH information and yet I felt there should be some more about it.

I always imagined the Island of Writers, a blue meadow place.<hence the image>.

The characters are many, and they are given their share of place and plot to fill in their characteristics page by page. The character’s aren’t shady and are as we read them, one directional. There are a variety of characters, there are Periwinkle, Penchantress, CaRule and so many more.
<saying again, it’s so difficult to writer about this and make it a spoiler free.Umm!!>

Loved the idea of adding trinkets on special achievements (will surely think of something like this to do in real life).
Naimesha, has given an amazing description of how the “PROCESS” works. Still, I was confused, because there was lots of information thrown at me at a single time. I wish this was done in due time, given bits of information while the story proceeds.
The “Black Mistake” , I am curious to know what was it about ? I mean, <umm leave it. #spoilerFree remember>

Final Note:

Amazing book to build up a fantasy world around you, and you living in it. Totally recommend and these doesn’t have usual fantasy world of dragon’s and other creatures. Something new.

Cover: 3.5/5
Title: 3/5
Blurb: 3.5/5
(blurb gives some of the things out)
Theme: 4/5
Story: 3.5/5
Characters: 3.5/5
Overall: 3.5/5

*This book review was provided by publishers in return of an honest review. The views are my own*
Posted in bookreview

The Soft Target

*image will be posted later*

Book : The Soft Target
Author : Kalyan Nanda
Pages : 202
Price : 249/-
Publication : Notion Press

Journey of Mohan, from boyhood to manhood.


The story revolves around a boy named Mohan, he has a unique mental illness whose cure isn’t known to his parents yet. No one understands him, his teachers and fellow students come as bullies to him. Yet Mohan smiles to each one, says something and go away.
And after years of wait, they are ready to take Mohan to a specialist in Chennai, which will change him for sure.
But what will change to know that, you need to read the book.

It’s Mahashivratri, and Mohan’s mother had a dream about Shivji, to let her know to come to him and pray for Mohan’s success for his engineering exams.
Will the fate of Mahashivratri reap a good result for the family ?

Moving from his hometown to join an engineering college will change his life for forever.
Make sure you read Mohan’s life as a roller coaster thriller and heartfelt story is unrolled in front of you.


A debut book by author Kalyan Nanda, and what an effort. The book plot, and Mohan’s unique disability surely raise our interest more to the book.
The writing was easy to understand and there are many references used to connect with reader’s by talking about Dhoni finishing shot and Sachin’s slong shot (mostly in the first half of the book)
There were details even for the “things” in story to make them real life. for example, the explanation of the cooker in the first 10 around pages, that was made sure that it looked like a perfect cooker in respective of middle class families.then up again in the next 10 pages, about how a middle class man “gets ready”. Which I felt was a little too much may be, sometime in life most of us has come in from a Middle class family, and reading such things made me think it is used as a mockery instead of showing how one Middle class family lives.

This will be my first book,where author himself has a talk in his own book. He talks to readers about a certain situation(Dear Readers…).
I almost had feeling like “Main Samay hun”(remember ? A man aura used to come in Mahabharat’s TV)

The friendship between Mohan, Nikhil, Brij & later Revathy was amazing to read about.
The main characters were BIG time “flawed”, and I loved them because they felt real.
Mohan – A boy with unique mental illness, and exceptional IQ who solved “the” maze
Nikhil – Wealthy boy having everything yet nothing because he stammers
Brij – The comedy kid of the book, a fan of Salman khan(from Tere Naam)
Samidha – <won’t tell you what her relation is> But she is one of my favorite characters, because she said my most favorite line of the book “I want to be your Café Madras”

I love when Books, talks about other books and authors, and I haven’t read ‘PG Wodehouse’ yet, but this book surely has increased my interest in him.

I wish the cover was something else, as it doesn’t justify the content and deepness of the plot of book.

Also if you read it, would love to know your theory of who the actual Soft target is 😉 as the book end with that question too!

Final Note:

If you want to read a book that is different from cliché stories, grab this one up.

Cover: 1/5(really wish it was something much more)
Title: 4/5
Blurb: 3.5/5
(as it reveals too much)
Theme: 5/5
Story: 4/5
Characters: 5/5
Overall: 3.7/5

*This book review is a part of The ReadersComsos Book Review Program and Blog Tours*
Posted in bookreview

Kingdom Cold


Book : Kingdom Cold
Author : Brittni Chenelle
Pages : 278 pages
Edition : Kindle
Price : 212.00/-

YA with Thrill, Adventure and twist and turns.


The story starts with Princess Charlotte, and her parents talking about getting Princess married off to Prince of another side for saving the kingdom and Princess denying to marry ‘any one’, as it’s too early. (she is 16, of course it is too early). On the other side, Prince Young of Vires is in a dilemma is it fine to marry because of political agreements.

As the time pass, will they both change their mind or will fall in love ever?

Before the Big moment occurs (which was exactly a day after the start of the story I guess), Kingdom of Besmium is attacked and Prince Young and his elder brother Prince Minseo try to win over the sudden attack.

Will they make out safe ? Will they win over ?

Who is Prince Emmett? Why he tries to protect the Princess and Besmium Kingdom?
Read the novel to know all about it


I love reading new Authors, and some of them amaze me with their novel. Brittni Chenelle is one of them, I picked the novel because of the Blurb which looks more like a simple YA read. But it has so much more to offer with its the twists & turns.
Language used is simple, and easy to understand.

The story is written from multiple POV’s, and even though I loved the smooth transformation from chapter to chapter. As each chapter starts from where the earlier one left, but another character’s POV. Only issue, I found in POV’s where there was no differentiation was the characters tones/talking. They were read same way.

Character development can be seen between the first time(when they were introduced), and last time(when they were read). But there was no specific development as the character grew, except Princess Charlotte. She reminded me so much of Merida (from Brave), the way she said No on marriage proposal, was childish, and grew brave from whatever happened to her.

I am in love with Prince Young, and he is definitely my latest fictional CRUSH♥♥. The way he handles situations, with his presence of mind is amazing. He has got charm of a prince, and believe me when I say, he doesn’t behave much like a Prince. He adapts to situations well, and before thinking of himself, he thinks of ‘people he love more’ (depends on situation we are talking 😉 ) I still laugh when I remember **spoiler** the First night of Prince Young and Princess Charlotte

This single book, contains exactly 3 books. I am seriously telling this, it could have been easily converted to a series, and there were so many points where Author could have stopped on a happy ending. But author chooses to give us twists, and twists, and THE END.
Though author Brittni, says she is working on another novel. Which will have characters from this novel, and will not be exactly a series, but will be a sequel to this one.

The end actually feels like MORE to be seen.

Final Note:

If you want to start reading YA, this one is super good to start with. YA Lovers will love it too, also it has twists and many adventures.

Cover: 5/5
Title: 4/5
Blurb: 4/5
Theme: 5/5
Story: 4/5
Characters: 4/5
Overall: 4.3/5

*Thanks to author for providing review copy in return of an honest review. All views are my personal, and nowhere affected by receiving it from author.*


*-*-*-*-*-*-*Book Challenges*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Read this book, as part of
>> #leastreader_nb : Feb Prompt : Read a love story
>> #popSugarChallenge Prompt 26 : Book published in 2019
>> #readinWomenChallenge : Prompt 18 : Romance or love story
>> #BTBFEBRUARY19 : Feb 14 : Cover love

Posted in bookreview

When I Had a Little Sister

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Book : When I Had a Little Sister: The Story of a Farming Family Who Never Spoke
Author : Catherine Simpson
Pages : 367
Price : 1,158.00/-
Publication : Fourth Estate

Sad memoir written by authoress Catherine about her sister Tricia.


The story starts with room view of Tricia, 46 years old, after she died. Her cigarette’s found in the bathroom, because that was the only place she allowed herself to smoke, to have a healthy life.

“When did she decide to die? Was it before midnight on Friday the 6th, because she couldn’t face another night, or was it before dawn on Saturday the 7th, because she couldn’t face another day?’

A question that makes the author think about how mental illness of her baby sister has finally made her choose death over living an unhappy life. Catherine started writing this family memoir on a fellowship at Hawthornden Castle in 2016 (three years after Tricia died).

Read the book to know the story of how a family kept mum about the taboos of mental illness and other social norms.


When I had a little sister is so personal to Catherine, and yet hats off to her for going through this experience and coming out as a winner (writer). The amount of memories author has shared may sometimes look like very descriptive, and in my case I felt wasn’t needed. But as this is from personal experience, the author made sure she covers everything from the way she felt.

The author talks a lot about her Mother, and it felt like she was still angry with her for all the part she played in “Growing them up”. There are sentences like ‘I was here and she was not’, that author said after her mother died and she got to see the jewellery box and everything that their mother have never let them touch. I was sadden at such references, being grown up with a close-knit family I feel sorry for the author and her sisters that they didn’t get the love they deserve.

Furthermore, in the story she talks about ancestors, who have moved after World War I and how the property and things in them (bed and other stuff) that were kept from generations of belonging year after year, needed to be destroyed and get away from. This saddens me again, because I live for “Old is Gold”, but at the same time having such things that can bring back sad memories are good to let go.

It was only later part in the book, that author has talked about Tricia and her going through mental illness. The way she was drawn towards people, and withdrew herself from them soon enough without a reason. There were times, when I could see/feel that Tricia wanted to say so much, but there was no one to understand here silence, and sometimes words. She kept away from here loved ones, and her loved ones left here alone too. In my experience, and what I know a person with mental illness is weaker at such points, when they want a company and there is no one to talk or share their thoughts with. Catherine, the author herself says that she wanted to reach out to Tricia but her kids (one of them are with special needs), and her own mental health didn’t allow her to do so.

I will again say, it is very brave of Catherine, the author that she has come out with a book that will help people who still think that mental illness is something to keep mum about. It’s about time that our educated people and kids that they can come and talk to their elders about anything and everything if they feel like it. Mental illness should be treated as another health issue, and not a thing with “give it time, it will be all okay”. It won’t be, talk to someone if you feel your mood swings a lot, talk to someone if you have dark thoughts.

I may not be the correct person to say this, but I guess this book can trigger to people who suffer through the same. Because it’s just so sad, made me cry for Tricia and her family.

Final Note:

It’s difficult to review and read a sad memoir by someone who has gone through a lot herself. And rate it on any scale, is like to rate someone’s life and what they have gone through.
Pick this one up, if you want to read something that talks about how families can be, and what mental illness can do to a person/family if not taken care beforehand.

Overall: 3.5/5

*Thanks to publishers for providing review copy in return of an honest review.*


Posted in bookreview


Book : Sheets
Author : Brenna Thummler
Pages : 240
Publication : Caracal

I LOVED this !! said to be a children’s book, but it has learning for adults too.. Graphic novels are such a relief when we are bored with big intense reads.
This one worked such a stress buster, the look of it shows it as a funny, humorous novel, but in fact the book takes up serious topic and leanings too.

The story is based around Marjorie Glatt, a 13-year-old girl, which runs laundry for feeding her family every night. But the cleaning isn’t easy, with her customers returning to her with issues for clothes. And Mr. Saubertuck, a businessman, who wants to buy the place and open a huge hotel/spa. He tries to ruin Glatt’s image in front of her customers. Until Glatt, comes face to face with Wendell, a Ghost. Wendell doesn’t seem to fit in with other Ghosts and their rules and hence he somehow turns up in Glatt’s laundry.

Is Wendell a good ghost or bad one?
Will Marjorie be able to save her laundry from Saubertuck?

The illustrations are so colorful, and detailed. I specifically liked those illustrations where pink flowers cover the pages, across. These were beautiful.

The story had good pace. But characters, could have been given more depth (apart from Marjourie). There is happiness, that ends asap the moment end. And sadness takes the major chunk of the book.

Marjourie, is shown such a strong girl. Who is determined to overcome the challenges life threw at her. She multitasks her studies and work, and try to balance between them. She is shown frustrated, sad and trying to cope with everything. I would have loved to see more of Wendell and his past. May be Sheets 2 ?

Thanks NetGalley, and publishers/authors for an e-arc in return of an honest review.